17th and Irving

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

this endless cold


Above is an interesting article, creative and thought provoking.

The subway was halting this morning and everybody looked bored except the kids, who were loud, full of life and happy. Going to school? Who knew?

My voice is still quite a bit gone, but all the aches of my complaint disappeared, leaving me relatively peaceful. The studenten have been pretty on the ball lately but the new contract has begun and, as expected, it works poorly.

I'm all moved to Park Slope now, though there have been complications and obstructions and now there are a bunch of boxes in the common room that need hiding or placing. Aida, the landlady, has been anything but pleasant, which after the last landlady is a plunge back into the cold water of reality, but in the end she's just another bit of noise in a crowded hall.

Off to sleep and sending good vibes to Draezy with her second audition.

Over the next few weeks it will be interesting to see what develops with Iran. With Bush in the White House there is no end of grief, no end to vicious misleading.


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