17th and Irving

Monday, April 10, 2006


Judas was only following orders it turns out according to a gnostic scripture everybody in the business of finding scrolls has known about for awhile. Borges even creates the idea of Judas as the Savior in his as usual pristene puzzle of a story "Three Versions of Judas". If one has not found Judas's loneliness after his betrayal awful to contemplate, the tree branch snapped over the abyss, if one has not found compassion for that lost soul, then what of Christ do they understand?

A note had survived hinting at whole worlds of intrigue and drama, left by a known heresy hunter, a priest determined to root out the gnostic heresy of this holy Judas, and that to me is the most exciting part of the whole story. What anger of belief, what councils were held under the dark skies of early first milennial Europe, Asia and Africa as the basis of Christian belief was hammered out in arguments of ephemera, arguments in the end that meant everything because they elucidated the hows and whys of belief in their pursuit of the what.

Meanwhile, Scooter only followed orders and it looks like in the non-plussed surprise of the century, Bush himself was helping to orchestrate the leak of information justifying his attack of Iraq back in 2003 all the while hiding information that might cast doubt on the wisdom of attack in Iraq. It's starting to take shape that proving illegality will be difficult, however, the ethics are, at best, beelzebubbian...and if I recall, Beelzebub's chief sins were pride and gluttony. In the end everybody finds the dots they're supposed to be so everything can connect. What sense is there to be found in this?

Scooter's here, George is there, Rummy over there and in the middle like a big fat fly or a glutted heart is Dick himself, the webs should be prison bars but if you wear a suit, start a war and proclaim democracy you got a good chance of getting off with only a little bit of disgrace, and even Nixon eventually wiped that off like it was lint. Harder to wipe off a head wound or a severed tendon. We're hitting 2400 dead in Iraq, Afghanistan has beauty schools in Kabul and the Taliban everywhere else and meanwhile, it turns out it might all be preliminary to Iran.

On the Sunday before the Friday He was to be crucified, Christ entered Jerusalem to the awe and amazement of His people who waved palms to welcome Him and His apostles. This is the only image that could have led Dick Cheney to think of roses and welcomes from the crowds of Iraqis he imagined watching as the saints came marching in. That's their Christianity, tiresomely literal, full of anger and the justifications of their desires and beliefs which are firmly temporal.

For Christians it's Holy Week, but for the Bush Administration, it's another week that promises lies and the culminations of lies, unfortunately, too many of those culminations will be the random lacerations of violence. That's why Scooter matters. Sadly, that's the only reason a weasel like him ever does.




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