so, to what extent are CIA secret prisons concentration camps?
Not so secret now, but the Democrats once again proved their gutlessness, allowing without comment (i.e. a filibuster) a bill that basically makes democracy a system propped up at the mercy of the president and a few minions, rather than as an assertion of the people.
When people can be held as such a way that will soon be permissible, then any notion of democracy as being anything other than a convenience of the bastards will have faded as certainly as the old fashioned notion that a court of laws should determine innocence or guilt.
How abstracted from terrorism must something be before we acknowledge that there is no connection between these acts of government and terrorism? If somebody calls you an 98 pound weakling for something falsely, why be a 98 pound weakling for something else truly?
As evil as the Republicans are, in the end, what proves the sham of this democracy is more the inability of the Democrats to make any kind of meaningful argument or stand against the railroading of these horrible bills pushed through by an opportunistic set of bastards, why was there no filibuster? This is a bill that actually makes habeas corpus merely optional. This is the threat of the PATRIOT Act made manifest and complete.
At what point is our freedom at the pleasure of our God and at what point is that same freedom at the pleasure of another man? Does anybody ever sit around and think how odd it is that we are having a national debate about the nature and rightness of torture?
Fear is ugly. Opportunism even uglier. But despair is the ugliest worm of this democracy, it makes nary a sound crawling through the rot heaped upon it by the juvenile delinquents who pass for our law-givers. Like the worms beneath us, the Democrats among us on the Capital are little seen, and never more than something to be cast aside, once the plow has cut them.