17th and Irving

Monday, February 13, 2006

I wonder if all those tax breaks were worth some birdshot in the face? It's finally come to Cheney just taking shots at anything and frankly, it's kind of exciting. Maybe Iran is next?

Meanwhile, others wounded by Cheney's carelessness and idiocy are having a harder time recovering ( http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/12/national/12WOUNDED.html?ei=5070&en=f343e2b6c5968e8b&ex=1139979600&pagewanted=all ) and while we're covered in snow in New York worrying about Michelle Kwan there's a political fatigue so set in that I don't believe we have the will to believe that we can actually change anything of the various quagmires this administration of believers have involved us in. Plus, it's ok, this war, they told us so ( http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11299206/site/newsweek/ ).

The blizzard has been beautiful, but a cabbie told me today a lot of city workers didn't show up, calling off from Yonkers and etc. We agreed that with the latest labor deals and the way this city talks about its workers in the papers, it really wasn't a surprise that the motivation to make things work wasn't super-strong. The guy honked his horn at everything and cursed every moron stupid enough to cross the street, he told me I could blame his driving on Hamas and meanwhile even Broadway wasn't well-plowed, this at around nine in the evening about ten or twelve hours after the snow had stopped.

Watched "The Fallen Idol" at Film Forum. It's Carol Reed's picture right before "The Third Man" and it was fun, told from a child's point of view with some beautiful shots and the kid was great, the exact opposite of smarmy and all in all he seemed like a kid from a completely different world; this is a kid that very definately did not have gamecube. Still, Film Forum has to be the worst place to see a movie in the city. It's top to bottom arty with crappy popcorn and a terrible candy counter and while I was vainly searching for something like candy (they had baked goods, why am I going to take a chance on the baked goods of a place that can't even make proper popcorn) the guy next to me was ordering peppermint and cozy chamomile teas and really, that just isn't it for a movie, and if it is for him, I guess he's got his nirvana, meanwhile I want to break something, chamomile? I could hear that bastard slurping the first ten minutes of the movie. I know it was him. The screens are pretty small and they don't take credit, they're snotty about that, as if it's some badge of business courage and ethics not to accept credit. The seats suck. The drinks are small but just as expensive. Meanwhile, I just want to watch a movie in relative comfort and have some kind of choice at the candy counter while not having to run back out into the world for money; I try to avoid that place and had managed to for a couple years, but all the reasons for my boycott came flooding back tonight, but meanwhile, it WAS showing a hell of a film. Fuckers.

If you're going to have chamomile you better have m&ms. And if you're going to charge $10.75 per ticket, why not give us some credit? Fuckers.


It's places like Film Forum that make me upset at New York. That elitism of taste, in the end, it's as tacky as any Rob Schneider movie. Ah, it makes me miss the Music Box so much. I know there's a difference between a Carol Reed movie and an Adam Shankman movie, but watching a Carol Reed movie or a Bergman movie should put you MORE in touch with the world, not less in touch with it, meanwhile a movie that has little relationship to "the truth", such as "Bringing Down the House" should be, and probably is, more likely to be the favored film of somebody less aware of the world and less interested in creating a serious concept of individual truth and social and political philosophy. A film like "Bruce Almighty" is probably the favored film of many to be wary of. So anyway, the elitism thing creates dissonance, here's a truth, Film Forum sucks.







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