17th and Irving

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

John Kerry - how dare he!?!

So it's odd, you navigate over to good old nytimes.com and there's some article about John Kerrysome article about John Kerry saying poor and uneducated people are fighting in Iraq. Trustworthy Bush acts all insulted, and suggests that they are fighting because they are patriots. Again the lie puts truth on the defensive and the Democrats go play their turtle game and the truth John Kerry was getting at, that many of our soldiers joined because the other options they had all came with smocks and that economic opportunities for most of this country are fading, got swept under the rug.

How I hate the Democrats. When one of them finally has the guts to say something that actually has meaning behind it, they run from truth like it's a grenade (whereas the Republicans use the actual grenade to blow up the truth). And what makes it wonderful is when the ones who actually said something true, meekly concede that perhaps they were wrong.

There's a lot of truth-dodging and truth-exploding going on right now, so I took the day off, feeling kind of low-down, and it's enough to upset one, the Republicans are bullying their way to another avoidance of defeat I don't wonder. It's scary, and I hope I'm being Eyore when I wonder about how the Democrats are going to blow another election and what it says about the American people that George Allen and Bob Corker (I swear to God) will probably win their Senate races even though on the evolutionary scale they are just a little less than pond scum, a little more than shit.

There's a lot of hand-wringing about calling the American people stupid, it comes from the plutocracy, where stupid is exactly what they want, but how can we call a group of people who still defend or accept the right of an elected official to cozy up to ol' Reb, the Dixie flag, fear homosexuals having sex, don't fear the fact that the ocean is turning into soda fizz and that the weather is acting unglued, connect Iraq to 9/11, wave the flag and watch really bad television, sometimes for days at a time be called intelligent? And this is just the beginning of a long list that includes complaining about the price of gas for their oil tankers/SUV's, ignoring public education except to worry if the latest version of communism is being taught (homo-stuff? etc.?). Despite the media saturation, Americans still find it impossible to weed out the chaff from the wheat of what's important to them.

Because I don't recognize the centrality of their religious belief? No, because I should have the right, along with you and everybody else, to refuse to have their religion dictate what this government does. And because sham religion, which allows hate, inequality and injustice, is not religion, but human power calling for Godly power, power it can never sway.


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